Actor Vaarun Bhagat who made a place in the hearts of the audience with his powerpack acting in Sony Liv’s Undekhi 1 and 2 is set to make a triumphant return as Lucky Paji in the highly anticipated Undekhi season 3 Vaarun Bhagat’s character of Lucky Paaji stole the spotlight with his rugged persona and charm. And now is all geared up to reprise his role in what promises to be the biggest season yet.
The trailer for season 3 has been finally released after a long wait and Vaarun who portrays the character of Lucky Paji, expressed his excitement and emotions about Lucky Paji, stating, “I have waited for this moment, and this season is going to be the grandest of them all. Undekhi 3 is packed with suspense, drama, fights, and much more. You will see different colors of Lucky in this season, with lots of twists and turns so I would just say that via Lucky Paaji, get ready to delve into a whole new world through Undekhi 3.”
Bhagat, who received widespread acclaim for his portrayal of Lucky Paji in the previous seasons, assures fans that they can expect nothing short of brilliance from Undekhi 3. Undekhi has garnered a dedicated fanbase for its gripping storyline, intense performances, and unexpected twists and turns. With the return of Vaarun Bhagat in Undekhi 3, anticipation for the new season has reached unprecedented levels.
Undekhi 3 promises to deliver an exhilarating viewing experience, with Vaarun Bhagat leading the charge with his powerhouse performance as Lucky Paji. As the countdown to the release of Undekhi 3 begins, fans eagerly await the opportunity to embark on another thrilling journey into the world of suspense and intrigue. The series also stars Harsh Chhaya, Surya Sharma, Ankur Rathee, Anchal Singh, Apeksha Porwal, and many more. The show premiers on 10th May on Sony Liv.
Undekhi Trailer
Apart from Undekhi, Vaarun Bhagat is best known for Inside Edge on Amazon Prime, Aar Ya Paar On Disney Hotstar, and Udan Patolas On Amazon Mini TV, Vaarun Bhagat also featured in the Tseries music video BIBA alongside Giorgia Andriani. The actor has a few more projects in the pipeline and the official announcement will be made soon.